It's 7am & i've already set up camp in the dining room,
when will this torture end?

today's view out the front window, not as nice...
in fact, it started storming & i was easily distracted
by the beautiful light and water patterns
on the driveway.....
i know i know, get back to studying!

this just gets more and more depressing...

I was apprently open to any and all distractions,
but don't these rain drops look cool?

Knock knock.
Whose there?
UPS man?? What the...
package for me YIPPEE!!

Ahhh even the wrapping was perfect
Bubble wrap=Awesome stress reliever!

awww for me? yes please :)

How sweet is this?!
Good Luck cookie cake from LK, Erin and Joe
Thanks guys!! you have NO idea how bad
I needed this pick me up :)

Not one but 2 packages??? I'm not even upset it came early....
Red Envelope....looks promising & almost to pretty to unwrap.
Good Luck horseshoe necklace from LK

Just when i was down in
SUPRISE! Pick me ups :)
Thank YOU sooooo much!!!