Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Pediatrics Club Meeting 4/7/08
Alison-VP, Erin-Pres, Michala, Jami-Secr., Dr Patel, Emlyn

Michala Riggle--check out "Autism Speaks" on Growing Up is Optional
"Beading to Beat Autism"

Michala and Mom...ya gotta BELIEVE!


what an amazing weekend and where was i? Stuck inside studying.

Spring weather=grillin' out and dinner on the patio

Guess we waited pretty late for dinner, it started to get dark on us!

You know she makes me take these, right?!


All of the daffodils were in bloom at home.

beautiful day for a nature walk
momma said they were dead. i said they looked cool.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


will it EVER stop raining...


What a dreary day for a trip to the hospital

i'm liking the umbrella pictures lately

repeat "festrogen" at marj's

HAHA! best face of the night

Monday, April 14, 2008


Dinner with friends for a fundraiser at Mark's Feed Store.

So So Purty.


Leave a comment and tell me what you see.

I'm curious if it's similar to what I see.


finally. some signs of spring.


We went shopping for Matthew's suit for the wedding.

I took this picture and a guy working walked past me, stopped, looked at me, and said "did you just take a picture of our ties?" and stared at me like I had 3 heads, a boogie hangin' out each nose, and I had just stole the secret recipe for Bushes Baked Beans.

My irritated response... "Don't worry, I'm not gonna like copy them or anything. I'm taking a picture a day for a year."

He just looked at me like...."whatever."

reason #4 Louisville is NOT my favorite city.....

rude people that hate their job and take it out on you.


EarthHour 2008

I told ya we were gonna do it, and we did :) Made it the WHOLE hour!

Friday, April 11, 2008


I'm 100% positive the world was NEVER supposed to see this. But, it was about time. Those weren't even shorts anymore they were a flap of fabric.


Just a random "Shoes"-day

Even dirty things can be pretty


ahhh it love?...or an obsession?

It takes a load of tools to fix this mess in the A.M.


Seemed like a logical place to start.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


What a find! My new barbie watch from the Lucky Charms :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


"Tell erin she needs to go get her camera, I have the picture of the day"

These made me happy, found them when we went to Easter Service.

Oh yeah, they called each other.

No paternity test needed....well, you get it.


Dad, remember when I used to tell you I wanted a Herbie car when I turned 16?

I don't know who this little guy belongs to but he's pretty cute!


first day of spring